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Dynamic Worldz Citizens Group

  • Public Group
  • 5 days, 21 hours ago
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  • ⚠ Global IT outage July 19 2024 ⚠
    Fortunately we had completed our migration to Linux before this global IT outage happened. However that said, our splash screen for when you login to the grid is still on a Windows server, so you may have noticed an error on the splash screen and not been able to connect to the members account management site on…Read More

  • Greetings to you all. I hope everyone is well. A quick little update on where we are at post migration. Due to the migration process from Windows to Linux we have had corruptions to inventory, but have found that the files do start re-populating over time. It may take awhile but I think we will recover most objects as they are repopulated via the…Read More

  • *** Breaking News!!! ***
    The migration is done! wooohooo!!!
    So this morning I switched over the final (big) servers. Initial testing shows good results.
    However, I would really appreciate it if everyone did a bit of testing themselves and let me have your feedback.
    I will be continuing with development as there are a few things that I would…Read More

  • Very important update re the migration. Please note that we have had to revert back to our original servers due to incompatibility issues with our data files on the new systems. The process is going to take much longer than we had hoped. Each bit of data has to be manually converted. So I am asking all users to please box up any new items that you…Read More

  • The current progress on the grid assets backup after 2 days >.< Good grief! we have a lot of stuff. The backup has been running for 2 days and is only at 9% I really hope it speeds up or this is going to take forever to do. Wish me luck 😜

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